Wish Information & Application Form Wish Information & Application Form Wish Information & Application Form 0% Complete1 of 8 Acknowledgement Where did you hear about The Chartwell Foundation? Before completing this application, please review the requirements outlined below to ensure you are eligible. Please be advised Applicants and Wishes that do not meet ALL of our requirements will not be considered. If you are a nominator, please consult with the nominee to ensure you have their permission and all relevant information to complete an application. Incomplete applications will not be considered. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Applicants must be: 65 years of age or older A citizen or legal resident of Canada Unable to fulfill the wish on their own Physically able to experience the wish Able to provide written approval to participate from a doctor WISH ELIGIBILITY & RESTRICTIONS The Chartwell Foundation grants wishes in these general categories: Commemorating public or military service Reconnecting with loved ones Celebrating a passion Fulfilling a lifelong dream What types of wishes will NOT be considered? The Chartwell Foundation does not send seniors on vacations. Any travel provided must be directly necessary for the wish to be fulfilled. Financial assistance Housing assistance Home furnishings Gifts of products, including technological devices Medical care or services Legal services Vehicles Potentially harmful or dangerous wishes Wishes on behalf of others who do not meet the eligibility requirements Wishes that are ongoing or take place beyond the lifetime of the beneficiary Applicants who have already had a Wish granted by The Chartwell Foundation will not be considered For your application to be considered you must complete and submit all portions of the application, which includes the following: The Chartwell Foundation Wish Application Form Publicity Release & Waiver Form (Participant and Nominator, if applicable) Application Certification Form Please be advised that if your application is selected to participate in the Chartwell Foundation Wish, the following are a required condition of participation: Chartwell Foundation Liability Release and Authorization Form (all participants); Medical Verification Form (to be completed by your doctor if your wish involves travel or extreme physical activity) Approval for Travel and Medical Insurance (if your wish involves travel outside of your home province). Disclaimer: The Chartwell Foundation considers every application submitted, but is unable to grant every wish. The decision to grant a wish is at the sole discretion of The Chartwell Foundation and a wish may be denied for any reason. I acknowledge the above eligibilities and restrictions. * Yes If you are human, leave this field blank. Next Δ Skip back to main navigation